If the current set of politicians in congress get their way, get ready for extreme carbon taxes and austerity. All industry will undoubtedly be shipped offshore in order to have the planed from the carbon polluters. But upon closer inspection this makes no sense. Even if you do believe that carbon, a life giving gas is polluting the planet, then why ship industry to 3rd world countries with no pollution standards and slave wage labor?

There is an agenda behind this dogma of hating humanity and progress. The elites like to call it the population problem, but lets call a spade a spade. The elites think there are far too many people on the planet to control so they need to reduce the population by at least 80%. This isn't my opinion, this is all they write and talk about. We are all being hit and hit hard by the poinsons in our food air and water. The only way to stops this eugenics cult is if we rise up now and say not no but hell no! We are being brought into bondage as we speak, by what used to be the totalitarian tiptoe, but what now can only be referred to and the totalitarian sprint. The Elites have gone past the point of no return and will stop at nothing to bring in their totalitarian dictatorship.

If you doubt what I am saying go to this website and then watch this movie:

to see what I am talking about. We as a species have to make a choice now, is it freedom or scientific dictatorship?

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